
The Doctrine of Sanctification is unavailable, but you can change that!

The words holy and sanctified appear hundreds of times in Scripture and the concept of sanctification is obviously important to the Christian experience. Pink calls it, “the great promise of the covenant made to Christ for His people.” But for many of us, questions remain. What is sanctification? Are we sanctified at the same time we are justified? Is there a difference between sanctification and...

Inasmuch as sanctification is an important branch of salvation, we have another help towards understanding its nature. Salvation is deliverance from sin, an emancipation from the bondage of Satan, a being brought into right relations with God; and sanctification is that which makes this actual in the believer’s experience—not perfectly so in this life, but truly so, nevertheless. Hence sanctification is not only the principal part of salvation, but it is also the chief means thereto. Salvation from
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